C'est tristement officiel: Jimmy Carl Black nous a quitté vendredi dernier tôt le matin. Il livrait son dernier combat contre un cancer qui ne lui aura pas laissé le moindre repit durant ces dernières années. L'annonce en a été faite sur le blog du Dr. Dot: "...Death don't have no mercy, in this land :( « H E » email posted Sunday, 2 November 2008. During the Bogus Pomp show tonight (last night, November 1st) I received an email from Jerry Ford (close personal friend of Jimmy Carl Black) on my blackberry with the HORRIBLE news that JCB had passed away earlier that morning (October 31st- see below). I couldn't hide my initial reaction so my friends Robin and John, fellow Zappa freaks, noticed right away and we were all freaking out. I went to the side of the stage and told Pat Buffo, special guest singer and then when Ike Willis came off for a break I told him, as I thought everyone should know right away and Ike agreed. He dedicated the rest of the show to JCB and so we all did some mourning together, along to the amazing sounds of Bogus Pomp doing Frank Zappa songs, pretty much perfectly, with all their heart and soul in it. You could feel the love in the room. To receive that information and not pass it on would have been rude. I will do a massive Florida blog when I get back to NYC and find some time, meanwhile, below, the message I left on JCB's myspace page and the message from JCB's close friend..."