19 juin 2010

The Zappadan Diner

IMPERIAL BEACH — Just cattywampus from Sissey’s Seashell Shop, The Zappadan Diner shimmers in the sunset like a cast-off artifact from the supermarket dream of a half-baked musician. Inside, the jukebox slathers out a steamy helping of Lumpy Gravy I, as hungry freaks peruse a menu like no other. Of course the St. Alphonzo Pancake Breakfast always satisfies, but the giant Creamcheese Muffins will take you places you shouldn’t go— every day, at least. The iconic Burnt Weeny Sandwich screams eat me! eat me! at all who dare to enter, and the Voice of Cheese and Uncle Meat rise to any occasion. But still more exotic entrées beckon: Lonesome Electric Turkey; Flying Enchiladas wrapped with Pickle Sauce; delicious Latex Solar Beef.

# la suite ici

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