9 octobre 2009

Ray White & Ike Willis de nouveau réunis !

courtesy G. Dauzou.................................................................

Ray White et Ike Willis réunis pour un mini tour aux USA. La nostalgie étant encore
ce qu'elle est, la nouvelle risque de faire bien des heureux. Car comment ne pas se
réjouir de voir les deux guitaristes-choristes préférés de Zappa durant les années '80
se réunir à nouveau et faire la nique à la politique de la tenancière de la ZFT!

Holiday Tour 2009-10
This holiday season will be a memorable one! We will have on tour together,
for the first time in 25 years, IKE WILLIS & RAY WHITE! These amazing & unique
voices were clearly favorites of Frank's, as he recorded & toured with one or both
of them from 1976 till the last Zappa tour in 1988. Together - they created some
of the most memorable performances of Zappa's music, & we will bring them to
you on this tour, performing songs they are each known for, as well as songs from
classic Zappa albums they recorded together.


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